terça-feira, 19 de julho de 2016


Alkaline Water and Eczema
Prof. Tamura Tatsuji, Keifuku Rehabilitation Center
"Eczema is used to describe several varieties of skin conditions, which have a number of common features.
The exact cause or causes of eczema are not fully understood. In many cases, eczema can be attributed to external irritants.
Let me introduce a patient who recovered from skin disease after consuming the antioxidant water. This patient suffered 10 years of eczema and could not be cured effectively even under specialist treatment. This patient, who is 70 years of age, is the president of a vehicle spare parts company. After the war, his lower limbs suffered acute eczema, which later became chronic. He was repeatedly treated in a specialist skin hospital.
The left limb responded well to treatment, but not so on the right limb.
He suffered severe itchiness, which, when scratched led to bleeding. During the last 10 years, he was seen and treated by many doctors. When I first examined him, his lower limb around the joints was covered with vesicles. Weeping occurred owing to serum exuding from the vesicles.
I advised him to try consuming antioxidant water. He bought a unit and consumed the antioxidant water religiously and used the acidic water to bathe the affected areas. After 2 weeks of treatment the vesicles dried up. The eczema completely cleared without any relapse after 1½ month."
The following information is sourced from various peer reviewed literature as well as various Internet sites. This information is for educational purposes only and is not ment to cure or treat any disease or illness. Consult your doctor for specialised medical advice. 

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